Sunday, January 8, 2012

Days 8 and 9

I fell asleep pretty early last night and didn't have a chance to blog about my day. I actually wasn't able to eat all my points yesterday before falling asleep, and I sure felt it today. I couldn't seem to eat enough. It's pretty amazing how noticeable a mere 6 points can be when you're really tuned in to what and how much food your body needs.

Oh, yesterday I also changed my weigh-in day to Tuesday so that it's lined up with my meetings here. That shifted my weekly/activity points, so now it's like I'm still in the middle of a week. So I'm trying not to eat any of my extra points until everything re-sets on Tuesday.

I'm really hoping to see some results on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Feel free to eat them. You had 41 on Saturday and you don't want to deprive yourself. Great job! One week down, and you're going strong!
