Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 2 - the stress cupcake

So far, after two very successful days, my favorite thing about WW is the flexibility to eat whatever your body feels you need. For instance, tonight I needed a cupcake. So I ate one. And that's okay because a cupcake is 5 points, and I earned 5 activity points today that I wasn't planning on eating. That is, not until my recent bout with I got very frustrated trying to ship a package from home, something I've done a zillion times. I don't know why it was so difficult, but I was in serious need of some chocolate therapy, and there happened to be some cupcakes leftover from my aunt's birthday party. And for the first time in so long, I didn't feel any guilt about having one. Which is also how I felt last night when I dumped butter on my baked potato.

Another fun thing I learned today is that sushi has a surprisingly low PPV (points plus value). A tuna roll, even with white rice, is only 3 points. So guess what I had for lunch. Tons of yummy, filling sushi.

This whole thing has been a lot easier to get started than I thought. I'm excited to go to my meeting on Nantucket this week and meet the other people in the group there. I feel like the e-tools app is what's made it so easy, so I'm thankful for that.

Overall, day 2 was a pretty big success. More to come.

1 comment:

  1. The good thing about WW is that it does have the flexibility where you can work in treats for yourself, and removing the guilt from something like butter or a cupcake can be liberating. Good for you for recognizing that right away!

    I wonder, could there have been something that you could have done to deal with the stress of your shipping incident aside from eating? Was there another reason for you to have eaten the cupcake? (I like your explanation of having earned the treat from your walk!) It's important not to try too many mew things all at once, but it may be a goal of yours to find an alternative to stress relief
