Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16/17

This is my fourth day in a row of not being able to eat all of my points. Maybe it's because I've been traveling, or maybe it's because my body is just learning to not want as much food. I was considering talking to my leader about lowering my daily point goals, but I think I'll wait until next week when my schedule is back to normal before I make any changes.

I also finally got my scales today. Both my human scale and my food scale were accidentally shipped to my old house in Wellesley because I forgot to change my shipping address in Amazon. I'm not weighing myself until right before or after my meeting tomorrow because I want to compare to see how accurate mine is. It's an actual Weight Watchers scale, so it should be pretty close. I'm really excited to weigh some food as soon as possible. :)

1 comment:

  1. As long as you're not losing more than the safe amount of weight on the back of your weight tracker, I think it's ok to lower your points. Be careful that you're within that range of weight loss. You don't want your skin to be all saggy from losing too quickly!
