Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 13 - Saved by the Sprouts

I almost forgot how intense my carb cravings get the first couple days of my period. Yesterday I blamed it on being emotional, but today I realized there was another underlying cause. I'm pretty low on food in my house because I'm going away for a long weekend and didn't want to stock up on anything before leaving, so I tried to eat super smart all day so that I could save up a few extra points for pizza for dinner to hopefully kick these cravings. I ate dinner around 5:30, and then around 6:15 I just felt like eating everything in my house.
So I had a few options. 1- eat more pizza. 2- raid my pantry for crackers or pretzels or any starchy salty snack I could find. Or 3- eat something good for me.
I knew I would regret it in the morning if I chose 1 or 2, and I would especially regret it next Tuesday. So, I made some Brussels sprouts instead, and they were totally satisfying. Now I think I'll go brush my teeth so I'm not tempted to eat anything else.

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