Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 5 - Crutches Suck

So I sprained my foot yesterday. I went for a dog walk with my pet-sitter friend, and halfway stepped in a little ditch and landed so hard on the right side of my right foot.

And then I continued to walk because I thought I was being a baby and just needed to shake it off. All was well for the rest of the walk, got home and went about my business, and then around 6pm I left to go to bingo. I'm sitting at the bar with my friend Grace, and around 8, my foot started to ache a bit. By the time we left at 10, I couldn't put any weight on it and was near tears.

So Grace drove me to the ER and they took x-rays and decided that "nothing's busted," which is good, but it was pretty swollen and very painful, so they put me in a splint and gave me crutches. Now I'm stuck on my couch all day, and all I want to do is eat.

Also, I won't be going to my meeting tonight. I might weigh in at home if I muster up the will to take my splint off and hop (literally) on the scale.

I was worried that this was going to hinder my exercise for the week, but just getting back and forth to work on crutches is more cardio than I usually get in a normal walk. Not to mention my biceps are going to be huge. :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

End of Week 4

Tuesday's weigh-in went pretty well. I tried to make it a point to exercise more last week, and it paid off. I lost 2.8 pounds, bringing my total so far to 9.8. I think I might be able to hit my 5% goal a week earlier than planned. That just means this week I need to lose 2.2.

I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, but I've started stocking up on more frozen dinners. Smart Ones and Kashi. Mostly for lunch, actually. I'm just finding that I don't want to cook or calculate recipes on my lunch break, and I also don't like trying to decide the night before what I'll have the next day. So, that being said, I've never really enjoyed frozen meals before. But the Smart Ones are just so convenient what with the points printed right on the box, and the Kashi meals are sooooo good.

I'm hoping to have a super productive and active weekend and get that 5% on Tuesday!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 27

Forgot to post on Tuesday after my weigh-in. I lost 1.6 pounds last week, which wasn't as bad as I was expecting. So that brings my total to 7 pounds. I feel like 7 pounds should feel and look like a lot more than it does. I have three weeks to meet my first goal of 5%, or 12lbs.

So, 5 pounds in 3 weeks, I think I can handle it. I know I need more activity, though. Not only for my weight loss, but also for my mental health.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 24 - Feeling Fat

I'm nervous about my weigh-in tomorrow. I don't think I'll see the same results I've gotten the last couple times. I had a very low-activity week, and I have a general feeling of fat. So, we'll see, I suppose.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 22

Today I realized that for the last three weeks, I've been avoiding using my weekly points. And I think it's because I've been afraid that if I use them, I won't have them later in the week if I need them. I guess it's a good thing that I've been very strict with myself about tracking and not going over points, almost as if I'm going to get in trouble if I don't do it right, but it's also causing a little bit of stress, especially on weekends when I don't have a set routine. I found myself just not eating in fear of not having enough points for later in the day, or later in the week.

Well, today I was forced to get over this little phobia of mine. It snowed on Nantucket today. All day. I'm thankful to be borrowing a vehicle from a friend, but it's not incredibly snow-friendly, so I was trying to minimize my driving, but I had things to do!
I slept in and took my time getting ready, and didn't end up eating breakfast until 11ish. So obviously I wasn't hungry around lunchtime. I had to be in town for something at noon, and also in town for something at 5 (which ended up being canceled, but oh well). So I decided to bring my backpack along and just camp out in town all day. Well, this meant a chai latte at The Bean, and then when the music got really terrible there, I headed over to the Starlight, where some nice older gentlemen were buying me drinks. Now, all of this alcohol and sugar on an empty stomach was not going well, so I then headed to 12 Degrees for dinner. And they had this magical lobster special for $12. A 1.5 pound lobster, cornbread, potato, and cole slaw. It was sooooo good. And I ate every last bite of it. Turns out lobster isn't a whole lot of points, which is good, but the other things added up for sure. Plus with all the drinks... Let's just say I definitely dipped into my weeklies today.

Maybe I was too drunk to worry about it, or maybe something made me realize that I only have two more days until my points re-set, and I can surely get through those with my daily and the weekly/activity points that are left. Either way, it was a pretty good, interesting day.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 20 - a little forgetful

Somehow, until this morning when I read Lauren's comment on my last entry, I forgot I had a blog. Weird. Anyway, I haven't updated in a few days, so here's the gist.

Tuesday's weigh-in went super well. I lost 3.2 last week, bringing me to a total of 6 pounds in 2 weeks. That's making my 6-week goal of 5% (12 pounds) seem super easy and attainable. So I'm pretty excited for that. I'm trying to wait until I get to the first goal before setting a second one, I just can't help but thinking about it a little bit.

On a sort of side note, I went on a bit of an emotional roller coaster today. Actually, I might still be on it. My head hurts too much to tell. It made me feel kinda sick to my stomach and I haven't really been able to eat. Hoping the feeling goes away in time for dinner.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16/17

This is my fourth day in a row of not being able to eat all of my points. Maybe it's because I've been traveling, or maybe it's because my body is just learning to not want as much food. I was considering talking to my leader about lowering my daily point goals, but I think I'll wait until next week when my schedule is back to normal before I make any changes.

I also finally got my scales today. Both my human scale and my food scale were accidentally shipped to my old house in Wellesley because I forgot to change my shipping address in Amazon. I'm not weighing myself until right before or after my meeting tomorrow because I want to compare to see how accurate mine is. It's an actual Weight Watchers scale, so it should be pretty close. I'm really excited to weigh some food as soon as possible. :)